We all love a bargain but how many times have you regretted an impulse purchase prompted by a red ticket? I love a reduction as much as the next women so I want you to benefit from my hard-won experience. Here’s how to shop the sales….
Divide your purchases into two categories;
1) The first is for investment pieces which will stand the test of time, e.g.; black trousers, anything in cashmere, white shirts or a new pair of jeans, you get the drift.
2) The second category is for fun purchases, those items you’ve lusted after but, wearing your sensible hat, thought were too expensive to splurge on.
The things I really love and wear again and again until they fall apart usually fall into the second category (a little frivolity is good for us all!) but sale shopping will begin to feel hollow if there isn’t the occasional investment piece that you can be truly proud of.
One HUGE warning though, don’t be motivated by the size of the reduction, a bargain is never a bargain if you wouldn’t have bought it at full price.